Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh The Joys Of Starting A Blog...And A Business

I have realized something over the last few months--I'm a photographer--NOT a business-minded person. I love taking photographs, I love playing with my newest equipment and I love interacting with people. I do not, however, love forms (paper or e-forms), tax i.d. numbers or computers. My eyelids are getting heavy just thinking about such things...

 As it goes, these are all very much a part of starting a business. The only thing that is keeping me focused on the business/technological end of things is my deep love for a challenge. That, and my new found realization that it's okay to take baby steps. I will not learn all I need to know or accomplish all that I need to in a week, a month, or even a year. And that's OKAY!

I've been warned by other photographers of the dangers of "burning myself out." I see how that is possible now. Between the licenses, websites, blogs, order forms, emails etc., it's easy to lose sight of why we do this and that is our love of capturing moments that will never again be seen. That form will be there tomorrow...and so will the emails and the phone calls. All the small moments, that will one day be memories, will not always be there.